An Array of Applications

An Array of Applications

Array provides design professionals with the means to instantly enrich a space. Composed of an array of fine threads pulled taut between two aluminium rings, the collection presents a variety of elegant conical and cylindrical silhouettes that shimmer enticingly overhead, evoking a sense of refinement that can be enjoyed in any context.

Vibia The Edit - An Array of Applications

Ideal for commercial spaces with high ceilings, such as hotel lobbies, retail sales points and restaurants, the collection incorporates various shapes and sizes, the largest of which extends to nearly two metres in height and 124 cm in diameter.

Vibia The Edit - An Array of Applications
Vibia The Edit - An Array of Applications

Statement fixtures don’t have to be overbearing to make their presence known; their role is to amplify the existing qualities of a space. Solid, yet translucent, Array’s majestic, three-dimensional volumes envelop rather than invade the space they occupy. Combining multiple fixtures in a hotel entrance hall guarantees a sense of dynamism and intrigue, captivating guests and influencing their perception of volume, weight and depth to create a new spatial experience.

Vibia The Edit - An Array of Applications

Light plays a critical role in retail design, ensuring a dialogue with customers and strengthening the shopping experience. Combining soft downlighting with an alluring upwards glow, Array provides gentle, flattering illumination with a polished aesthetic. A light source concealed within the lower ring washes upwards from below to produce a gradient effect that guarantees an increase in footfall.

Vibia The Edit - An Array of Applications
Vibia The Edit - An Array of Applications

When it comes to mood, Array is as dynamic as it is intimate. The layering effect of the threads creates the illusion of movement with the shifting gaze of the viewer. In a restaurant setting, this effect is both subtle and spectacular. A series of identical cylindrical fixtures can be used to flood a long dining table with brilliant, dynamic light, the threads seeming to vibrate as the light passes through.

Vibia The Edit - An Array of Applications

Alternatively, multiple pendants can be suspended low over individual tables, their lightweight form creating an air of romanticism that amplifies the space they inhabit.

Vibia The Edit - An Array of Applications

The collection also provides a poetic solution for quiet spaces, such as public libraries, offices or co-workings, where the airiness of its structure and the delicacy of its threads evokes an atmosphere of introspection and calm. A set of pendants lends a hint of elegance to an austere professional environment, such as a conference or boardroom.

Vibia The Edit - An Array of Applications

Array’s impressive scale by no means limits its use to public and commercial settings. The collection includes various smaller models suitable for residential use, the shortest of which stands at a modest 73 cm in height. A composition of various shapes and sizes will ignite a spacious hallway, for example, lending grace and intrigue through a combination of tension and balance.